Tuesday, December 3, 2019


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Roy iardncr left for the Capi- tal OB a short vacation. Oliver bulU a road all around the reserve.

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New Tork; Bakerefleld, Dalren. They are destroying the pos- sibility of the warring South against the aataffonittk North. New madela now In. Three swede turnips M:. Tho aaw mill will ha operated bv alaatrlulty in almoot all dopartmenu. Muyera wf all kluda e J uak, lOwla, OMbikiaery, eio. Tataa, aaar Cartar'a Btara. The question is what form of government do the Chinese de- sire. On vtaw ihla meralBB from 10 o'eloek.

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The market is well balanced at the mo- ment. All tha aikaa-maatieaad rat ata ara itaiahit In the vary heat af while aaajtaal. M gulng to be any big run that will be burden. Miaa Betty Shaw; 2.

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It times the market abowd roihI k.

HI Patrick — Camf-jrtabla board. Already sub acrtptloao are beinc received The two nurses sent Russia were Mre Hiab!. Summer passed and Autumn came. Mrs T HcM llcst red itsh 1, Mrs.

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