Wednesday, December 11, 2019


On the other hand I won't beable to start work till tomorrow atleast. Also post your youtube name or email so I can tell you the IP. We also plan on adding Iconomy soon so people can set up their own shops and sell various items, as well as an npc that sells impossible to obtain items. Might end it, wipe the world and white list tomorrow and open the smp to paying customers! You may experience minor lag at most though do expect more lag depending on where you're from. tyken132 test world

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Tyken's Minecraft Blog.: Test World, Finished!

You'll have a few days to test the world and make sure everything works, enjoy yourself! Wednesday, February 23, Blog moved!

We also plan on adding Iconomy soon so people can set up their own shops and sell various items, as well owrld an npc that sells impossible to obtain items. Also I'd like to thank our wonderful testers, they really have helped alot, though sadly testing may be over soon.

Not only does the blog and design look so much better but it also has a build in forums and everything. Tezt spread turned off Lava's ability to start fires turned off Ability to "Lock" chests Programs that allow easy reverse griefing Ability to "Protect" Area's and Properties. Punishment In minior cases you get a few warnings, how many depends on the mood of the moderator.

tyken132 test world

On the other hand it should be up by atleast tuesday but worlf promises. In Servere cases, or repeated offenses you may be kicked or banned Temparly In major cases, such as griefing or continual breaking of rules a perma ban may be issued with NO refund and no chance of removal. Posted by Tyken at 3: Posted by Tyken at 6: Quick note, the lag issue is under control.

Tyken132 world

Also good news, I finally set up my own twitter, facebook and thanks to SemanticX I may have my very own website coming soon! I'm at 99, subscribers, that is absolutely mind boggling.

Many more possible mods being added in the future as well but we're trying to take this one step at a time to avoid more mistakes and downtime. Play on the same world as my LP series! You may experience minor lag at most though do expect more lag depending on where you're from. And many more to come! Don't be a douche.

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Posted by Tyken at 1: I finally have my own website now thanks to my good friend luke SemanticX and its -much- better! It really has been a long time since I posted to this blog. Don't beg the moderators for stuff.

tyken132 test world

Posted by Tyken at 4: Lastly, Runecraft has been removed, couldn't text most of the runes to work so instead we swapped it out with MyHome mod which is slightly easier and more noob friendly, atleast till we can find a better solution. Animals and Monsters turned on.

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Make things look nice Replant trees after chopping them down Tykwn132 1x1 towers, and other temporary structures after use Features: Do not talk any other language than English in global or group chat.

Minecraft has changed immensely since I last made a tutorial video, for the better in my opinion. Important Info for Testers!

tyken132 test world

Thursday, February 17, New websites up! On tyksn132 other hand I won't beable to start work till tomorrow atleast. What do you guys think? Don't Bug Moderators unless its important Courtesies Don't junk up the place Random blocks, messed up buildings, etc. Anyone interested in signing up is required to sign up for the site.

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